Feeding Your Family Well
Parents their families to be healthy and happy, creating “roots and wings,” nests of protection and provision to become all we are meant to be, and for all in the family to know they were loved well.
The economic challenge these days of providing well, of even just putting food on the table, much less it being something healthy and nutritious, well … it’s challenging. No parent wants to toxify or poison their family. Most healthy food is more expensive and often doesn’t taste very good. Healthy food seems to take so much longer to obtain and prepare, and often, our families don’t like the end result. Our taste buds have gotten all screwed up with sugar and synthetic taste enhancers, and all the marketing messages everywhere we look are telling us to buy the fast food, the food that has lots of chemicals in it, and what is convenient in the store.
So, Millennia is setting out to find ways for organic, healthy and non-toxic food to become available and accessible which follow 3 guidelines: (1) as affordable as your current food budget, (2) it tastes amazing, so once you overcome your sugar addiction, you’d rather eat these things than anything else, and (3) meals that can be prepared in 20 minutes or less that are better than restaurants, and snacks in under 5 minutes.
Tastes great, less expensive, and quicker than going out to eat!